Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Winter is coming!

I'm sitting here in my new room at Bill and Tereza's house, listening to the TV's speakers blasting out the sounds of the hockey game. It's cold outside, but inside my room the temperature is just perfect for wearing my warmest pj's and a pair of too big slippers. I just enjoyed a good dinner with my hostparents, and soon it's time to get my homework started (not too happy about that, but it has to be done too..).
A few hours ago I stood in the door way, dripping wet. Of course I had forgot to bring an umberella, which I'm definitely going to remember in the future - because the forecast kinda looks like this: Rain, rain, rain, rain/snow, rain. Which really doesn't come as a shock to me, since that's what everyone has been telling me since I got here. I just really, really need a pair of boots and a good winterjacket before the winter starts for real!

So yup, as you can tell, I've moved to my second family. I had a great time with Jason, Julie and Ethan, and I'm going to miss them, but on the other hand, they only live 3 houses away, haha! So I can visit everytime I want.
I moved in with Bill and Tereza on Sunday, and I'm already so happy to live with them - they are so sweet, and we already made some plans for this weekend. Friday I'm going shopping for winterclothes with Tereza and Saturday we're all going downtown to eat Dim Sum! (google it if you have no idea what it is, haha.)

1. All the exchange students with hockey players. 2. some of
the exchange students being weird. 3. At a Foo Fighters concert!
It was awesome!!! 4. My yearbook class :)

I've done a lot since I wrote my last entry in this blog. Too much to tell it all! But I'll tell what I remember the best. In my last entry I told about all the exchange students coming over that weekend - and we had a lot of fun! We went downtown, to playland and had some late nights where we just talked and got to know each other. As soon as 2 weeks later I went to Chilliwack, where 5 of the 11 students live. I stayed with Johanna and met some hostfamilies and other people. A little after the people in Chilliwack arranged another weekend, and more people came over, it was lots of fun! We went ice skating, to the movies and out for sushi. It's really great that all of the exchangestudents get along so well already, and that we have so much fun together. :)

I also had my very first 'real' Halloween here in Canada! I were with my 3 friends: Keegan, Gary and Spencer. We dressed up weirdly for school and watched horror movies and gave out candy after school. It was a funny experience, because it's really big here. I was very surprised, that some people in my high school thinks that Halloween is better than Christmas. I can't agree on that... I love christmas too much! And talking about christmas - I'm soooooo excited! Some people are already starting to decorate houses, and the stores are also beginning their sales of christmas stuff. I can't wait!
But I have to remember, first it's my birthday. And it's actually only in ONE WEEK! Wow! I just realized that! How weird not to celebrate it with my family. But it's not too bad, I'm going to celebrate it with my Canadian family, and I'm a 100 % sure it's going to be fun, even though I have no idea what we're going to be doing - hopefully something that involves a cake. Haha!

So... school is going just fine too. Every day is starting to look pretty much the same, but I still feel like I'm making progress in everything. Learning Spanish is so much easier than I thought it would be, and it's great! We're making these weird sculpture heads in ceramics and ye.. it's all going pretty well. People are cool, classes good. But the most fun happens after school, of course, haha. :)

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