Friday, September 16, 2011

Sick start...

It's been some time since I last wrote in my blog, and don't worry, I have plenty of good (and bad) excuses!
So... "Everything" started last friday. Jason picked me up from school early and we drove to Olivias house in Langley. I felt a bit sore in my throat, but I wasn't gonna miss out on anything for sure! Olivias mom drove us to White Rock beach, but unfortunately the tides were in, and after walking around on the rocks and well, not swimming, we decided to go to Coquitlam, where we were gonna go later anyway.
We ate dinner with Tereza, and and the deeeelicious poutine (I have to take a picture of that soon!). It's basically fries with cheese and brown sauce, but it's pretty good!

The next morning Bill drove us to another beach, where we would be able to swim for sure. It was White Pine beach, which is by a big lake surrounded by beautiful mountains and trees. We had lots of fun there, and didn't go home before noon. That night we were going to celebrate Bills 50th birthday. Tereza did a lot of fuss to decorate the house with a hawaiian theme, and of course everything turned out good, plus the weather was perfect.

1. Weird cake. 2. My pyramid! :D 3. Tereza shopping.
4. At the beach.
The only one who had a problem was me... My throat was starting to feel impossible, and my tonsils were swollen to abnormal size. I couldn't sink anything without being in pain, and well, I was feeling hopeless!
But I guess I shouldn't have felt like that, 'cause the day after Jason took me to the doctor, and I got my medicine for tonsillitis. Just typical that I should get sick the first week of school!

That monday I made the stupid choice to go to school and nearly kill myself, so I stayed home to next day. And now, friday, I'm good!

I've been missing out a lot of school already though, 'cause yesterday, Thursday, I was voulenteering at Coquitlam Sunrise rotary clubs golf tournament. It was lots of fun, even though it was the first rainy and cold day I've yet experienced in Canada! But the pavillion that Malcolm and I was placed in had a heater and 3 bottles of whiskey, so we were fine. Haha, well, I sat just by the heater while Malcolm was pouring out shots to the cold golfers. It was a good day :) (forgot my memory card for my camera though :(...)

Now it's finally weekend, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna relax! Tomorrow I'll be going to the cultural centre to see some music and comedy with some from my rotary club, and Sunday I'll be voulenteering at the Terry Fox run. So I've got lots to do :)

Oh, oh, oh and by the way! I was so mad at my yearbook class, because I had absolutely no ideas what theme I wanted to do, but yesterday night I finally made one (and used photoshop for the first time) - and my theme was chosen! Because people thought it reminded them of Harry Potter.. haha. So cool!  

Now I think I need to do my loundry..

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