Monday, August 22, 2011

OH MY GOD IT'S... raining.

So after one day of beautiful blue skies and high temperatures... rain. It really shouldn't surprise me, I mean, it's Vancouver, everyone tells me to prepare for the rain. But the rain didn't stop me from exploring - oh no! I was wandering around in the rain carrying an umberella, taking pictues of random things. Actually the only reason I did that, was because Jason and Julie was at their office doing some work.

The familys dog, Sofie! :). and some random street.

Some time before I walked in the rain, Jason and I had gone to visit a hotel owned by the rotary clubs counselor, Tereza, who's actually going to be my next hostmother. I also met my second hostfather yesterday as he came over for dinner. His name was Bill, and he's a funny guy with a round belly and a moustache. He once was a cowboy, they told me. Didn't think they had cowboys in BC... but appearently they weren't joking. 

But anyway, at the hotel we ate some lunch and I was really surprised about the service. You simply get free re-fills on ice tea and coffee. Free. That would never happen in Denmark!
Later that day we also went grocery shopping. Also there I was a bit surprised about the service. First of all, the store was really really neat. Another thing: The cash lady simply packed our groceries into bags we brought ourselves. That's what I call service!

Again today, I'm really tired too early. I guess it takes a lot of time to adjust... But it's ok for me to go to bed early today, because I have to wake up at 6.15 am tomorrow. Jason and I are going to a breakfast meeting in the Rotary club, and I really have no idea why it has to be so early.
After the meeting I will be going somewhere with a guy called George from the Rotary club, and his son. I don't know what we will be doing yet, but it's probably gonna be pretty fun. :)

So g'night!

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